5 Weeks to Run

Here in Atlanta we have a race called the Peachtree Road Race. It’s a 10k (6mi) race thru the city at the peak of summer. My dad used to run it when I was younger. I tried running it last year but when I got to 4 miles in my training, I developed a stress fracture in my foot and I had to sell my ticket. Well I’ve got my ticket again for this year and I’ve managed to increase my mileage to 5 miles so I’m starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel (so to speak). I’m putting out a wish to the blog void that all goes well and I’ll be able to run it this year with my hubbs, family and friends.

Wish me luck! Going to go run 🙂


(image via Rinze van Brug)

One thought on “5 Weeks to Run

  1. Interesting fashion photos.. hope you keep posting them.. because I’m getting some great ideas for upcoming shoots! And, you will do great in the Peachtree.. I’m still on the fence on whether I’ll do it again or not.. all depends on the knee.

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