Castles and Lochs :: Day 3

Today we took a tour of the highlands (or lowlands should I say…  Scotland is actually quite huge). Our guide was a true Scott – very patriotic about his country and it’s history. I think the passengers on the bus were afraid he was going to run off the road several times with all his pounding on the dash and waving at the map of Scotland pinned onto the ceiling of the bus.

All in all – we saw some of the most beautiful scenery I’ve ever scene… and I understand it gets better as you go farther north. We visited three castles and saw several lochs (lakes) and mountains. Joey remarked that it’s like people up and moved out leaving everything behind hundreds of years ago – I would agree with that one. It feels totally free and wild 🙂

Haggis & Beer :: Day 1

So we made it to Edinburgh – after a few gate switches in Amsterdam and a late flight from Atlanta. So far we navigated the bus system successfully and had an excellent dinner at Salisbury Arms (recommended to us as a local spot from our friendly host). Had I not been afraid of being “that tourist” I would have taken a picture of the decor as I couldn’t stop staring at it all.

Of course – we completed the evening with our first cappuccino here in Scotland. It did not disappoint.

If you’re wondering how Joey reacted to the surprise trip, I’ll tell you that when I told him we were going to Scotland he looked at me for a second… then said “But what’s in Edinburgh?” I think he started to get it once we were on the bus in the city. Pictures cannot quite describe the impressive castle overlooking the main square – or the random bits of dark imposing gothic architecture. We’re going sightseeing tomorrow so you’ll see a few pictures then.

